At first, I was just doing nothing special worth writing about. It was the same old, same old. Then after another month passed, I realized that I WAS doing some things that should be posted, but, ah, I was just having too much fun to do it.
Another month passed, as the complaints and emails started to become regular. From Europe, the US, even locally, culminating in the one that broke this camel's back. On Facebook the other day, my cousin wrote me. It seems that an old girlfriend had kept his unlisted phone number in her book all these years, and called him, worried about me. Geesh, although we have been friends for all these years still, I stopped dating her about 10 or 12 years ago. But she, and her sister were concerned and contacted Jonathan. I called her and told her I was OK. And decided to post something here.
I have a file of pictures to post, with accompanying comment, but now, because of my procrastination, the task is a bit overwhelming, and really - REALLY, I am having fun and happy, and just too busy doing a lot of nothing to do it.
But I shall.
So to all of you who follow along here, and have written, concerned, my apologies. But rest, assured, that I am well, and happy, and still here at Fantasy Island Resort, on the Bay Island of Roatan, Hond.