I did go to the cruiser's cocktail party and here are some pics that I have 'borrowed' from the marina's Face Book page. Jerry climbed up on the flying bridge of a nice power yacht here and snapped this of the whole group.

What a great night!
Quite a different story, New Year's Day for me - my HAIR even hurt from hangover that morning, so after taking a couple aspirins and lots of water, I returned to sleep, - we had stayed up talking until 4am - but eventually rose to make some coffee, face the world, take my little jog on the beach, and do some exercises, and I started to return to normal function. That night though, I skipped the cruiser's pot luck dinner, to avoid the temptation to consume more adult beverages. Patty joined me late out at the gazebo, where I went to feed the fish some questionable meats I had. We returned to AF and shared most of a bottle of wine.

Today, I took a dink ride, and stopped on the beach to buy a beer at the resort bar. My friend Rocky returned my spare camera to me which I had loaned him for some new FB pictures, and has asked me to download his FIFTY-FOUR pictures onto his Facebook page! Yikes - will take all night! After getting the beer, I rode out to the back side of the reef, just off the beach and tried exploring it on foot for a bit. Returned to the the dink, and motor wouldn't re-start, and I ended up rowing to the end of the beach, until I could get it running again. Fortunately most guests had checked out, so there weren't many to witness my embarrassment. I tied up to the floating deck they have here, to put the motor cover back on. it turns out that Patty was swimming and walking the beach nearby, and when she saw me, she swam out to to say Hi. I asked her if she was ready to try a snorkel out on the reef. So, after checking that the dink motor would re-start and was reliable, we picked up her wrap and towel from the beach, and returned to AF to pick up some gear. I couldn't resist taking this pic of her, sitting on the dock before we departed.
Although a strong, and former competitive, swimmer, native of Acapulco, and resident of Cancun, she has never snorkeled before, and so, had never seen this beautiful reef. It has been fun for me to show off this reef, and today was a joy, as well. Within 5 minutes, we were greeted by a 3 foot baracuda, and along with the little ones, were able to see several other larger fish. The water was not most clear, but was pretty good, and the sun brought the colors of this incredible reef to life. Did she like it? She wants to buy an underwater camera now.
Afterwards, we putt-ed around in the dink for a while, exploring a bit, and here, under some mangroves, I couldn't resist taking one more pic - my favorite of the day.
New Year's Eve was perfect, although it was not spent as planned (By the way, the party here was a BIG flop! I am so glad we didn't hurry to return to it, but instead, stayed at the Deck and talked and laughed the new year in there. The bartender -not Henry- closed the bar at 1030! The food was cold. And the promised entertainment did not appear.) it was a perfect night for me.

The high winds are tapering off, slowly. The wave height diminishing. It seems to be warming up.
A couple here at the resort offered to give me a great Cuban cigar to enjoy, and yesterday, stopped me on the beach while I was recovering and reading, and gave me one. So, if all goes well, I am going over to the deck at the resort, order a glass of wine or 2 or perhaps take a bottle of my own, sit back under the stars, and enjoy this Cohiba Spendida. Smells mild. Oughta be great.
Life is good!!!!
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