Daily blogging. One sits twisted to type.

The small deer on the island are more of Dennis' backyard buddies. They have quickly learned the crackling sound of the paper of thestale crackers. One doe appears to have been kicked because her mouth/nose is slightly to her left.

Headed down to the first zipline. At this point, I wasn't at all concerned.

Now the concern moved right in. Major hesitation on my part. The guide you see in the shadows kept telling me to "just walk right off the platform" and I thought he was NUTS! See below, I couldn't get any further from the step off spot! :-)

I should have left my camera behind, but wasn't thinking. The guide's name was Harry.

Below as a short final zipline over ponds that Harry claimed they kept their alligators --- Pirates of the Carribean zipline company wouldn't be complete without a few unseen alligators...

All of the pictures on Dennis are on my camera. My memory card is the wrong size for the computer, so you are all stuck with pictures of moi! The zip line, once I took the initial step off the first platform, was fantastic. Our guides were great; Dennis could not have wiped the smile off his face if he wanted to; the views were fantastic, the canopy was BELOW us as we flew through the air, and well it was just amazing!

Lou and Skip, joined us at Fantasy Island after our zipline adventure. Skip has done a zipline on the mainline. Lou is another cruiser who has been living this life for the past eleven years.
Look below! After I went to bed, Dennis was able to actually catch a bat coming to the hummingbird feeder!

As you can see the adventure for Monday was the zipline. It is called Pirates of the Carribean and the first one where I had to muster to courage to "just walk off" was the longest ride of about 1800 feet. It was a lot of fun and I would recommend anyone try it at least once. The views, once you open your eyes, are breath taking.
Dennis' found out that this week there will be two cruise boats coming to the island, so the venues will be packed. We are going to enjoy the dolphin experience on Friday. We are both looking forward to that.
I'm assuming it is due to all the bugs bites I have, but this morning I woke up swollen. Eyes swollen shut and a puffy face. Dennis gave me benadryl which will knock me out today, but I hope that fixes things. So today as soon as I was dressed, I sprayed down with OFF.
Dennis is swimming off the boat right now. We will go into the village where he can contact a refrigerator guy to come fix his fridge on the boat. We will also go out and about on the dingy later. Oh the fast pace of boat life.
It is VERY warm and HUMID down here. Quite a change from semi-arid winter of Colorado.
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