I am going to turn the blog over to her now as I understand there are some friends at home who will try to follow along with her 'vacation', here at Casa Denny - aka Annah Foster---
Good Morning folks, okay I am assuming it is still morning because I forgot my watch and my cellphone doesn't get any service down here so I'm truly on Carribean time! A morning of tea, reading and listening to Jimmy Buffett. My flights were uneventful and I breezed through customs upon my arrival. As soon as I arrived at Annah Foster, I changed and we went to a potluck of the other folks who live on boats. Quite a mix of folks from all over who, like Dennis, have chosen the life of sailing or "cruising" as they call it. Dennis surprised me with a birthday cake and those who were still at the potluck sang "Happy Birthday". For those of you who do not know, I turned 50 on 11/22. This has been a memorable birthday because my brother, Harry, had thrown me an open house birthday the Sunday before that was a huge hit. Then upon my arrival, another celebration. Life is GREAT!
Dennis and I came back to AF and talked, walked back along memory lane and laughed until the wee hours. During our that time we were visited by bats that come to his hummingbird feeder. Most of them do a fly-by grab-and-go approach, but a couple literally use the stands or wrap their wings around the flower and really get a real drink.
Annah Foster is a nice boat. Dennis had a cleaning lady come two separate days to clean and shine her up for my arrival. She is docked at the Fantasy Island Resort. As I'm sitting below deck, typing this I can look across the room and see a picture of Foster (Dennis' dad) with his wide grinning face, a portrait of Annah Margaret, Foster in his Uncle Sam costume from the hometown July 4th parade and pictures of Rocky, Pam and family. It feels like home.
Well stay tuned. Dennis has some adventures in mind to keep us busy this week such as a zip line and a dolphin experience.

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