Regardless, I made water yesterday. The start and finish require sitting in the hot engine room, with the genset running, to get the watermaker set up, and the same for the shut down. I was hot, and sweaty, so took my 'bath' later by diving into the water for a swim. No soap. Perhaps a bit cleaner and not so smelly, but with mussed hair, stained and dirty shorts, faded work t-shirt, and 2 days of beard growth, I went into Marigot. Stopped to drop off some things with Bernard, for his boat yard's flea market (thanks to Davina's urging, I might add.), picked up a FedEx package from Wes in Baltimore, and rode over to visit Jean, and his brother-in-law. Was so close to Marigot Marina, and all of the restaurants, decided to keep going and get a pizza for supper.
There were some fellows hanging about where I tied up, and ended asking a waitress if, dressed so poorly, I could dine there, as it was closer, where I could keep an eye on the dink. Was a very nice restaurant, and being the only customer, I sat right out on the sidewalk, in a corner. I ordered some cheese and nuts for aperitif, a chef special seafood hors devours, and grilled grouper with a wonderful coconut and lime sauce. A vodka tonic, and a couple of glasses of rose. Was a very nice meal, and as folks walked by, they would ask me if the food was good. My recomendations helped seat 3 or 4 tables of folks, and the waitress treated me extra well. One group was 6 or 7 women, my age, I guess, who were dressed to the 9's and were just having a ball. They were nice enough to ask me to join them, and I am so glad I did. We had a wonderful evening, taking one lady for a ride out to AF to turn the anchor light on, and back, and they have invited me to join them again tonight.

Worked on relocating the relief valve today - see Paul, I am working on the steering! - and that is done, and tomorrow I will start running the new copper lines. Have it all figured out now.
The other day I stumbled on a name on the internet, that I believed was a young man whom I had known as a little boy in NC. He had the nicest father and mother, and my then wife, worked for the dad. We became friends and this little guy was my favorite kid in the world. We would baby sit once in a while for a weekend, giving mom and dad time to be alone, and it gave my wife and I a chance to play aunt and uncle. His dad stood with me at my wedding, and today is a very successful man. He is also one of those people you meet in life who deserves the success, as he is really a self made man. And a wonderful one. This young fellow was on track to follow in his dad's footsteps, and lo and behold, stopped, thought, and took the call to become a minister. Columbia Seminary, as well! It thrilled me to read this on the web, and impulsively, I sent him an email commending his choice and wishing him success. It was meant to have been anonymous, for various reasons, but he figured out who I was, and has sent me 2 very kind emails, making me glad that I reacted to the impulse to write. It has renewed my faith in the generations following behind me.
By the way, I have been getting repeated passive aggressive comments from Joyce in emails, referencing the garden that must be growing on AF's bottom now, since I have not moved in over a month. Well, I checked yesterday during my 'bath' and other than a thin coat of something on the rudder, she is pretty clean. Guess this bottom paint is good for this area. But will hook up the hookah some day and give her a good scrub.
Paul and Joyce, I really believe, are harassing me to get going, because the MISS me. Maybe not. Another reason could be that Paul just needs a punching bag or someone to go up his mast again, and maybe Joyce expects me to pay for diving lessons, now that she is certified instructor and she needs some cash. I love them both and miss them, too. If you have followed this blog for anytime, then you know that Paul is my friend and sailing mentor. I am here today, because they asked me to join them last year for the Norfolk to St. Marten leg of their journey. He coordinated the email suggestions for me during my ordeal at sea in November, as well as trying to keep my spirits up. Even wrote to my family asking them to be positive to me when I arrived, as what I had gone through would be such a psychological nightmare. (Of course, he never told me he had done that. Had to find out from my niece.) He is my best cheerleader, for sure. We met one day on the dock in Baltimore, after I had transited from St. Pete. We connected instantly. And Joyce is a love, and a doll, and one hell of a photographer, who makes me envy her 'eye'. But I can skip her Lemon Grass morning tea. Need my coffee.
Bought a broom the other day. Again, Davina's doing. Have TWO vacume cleaners, and a wisk broom that came with the boat, but no real broom (She said," I cannot believe you don't have a broom on this boat! How do you clean the floor?" I guess the answer was apparent!) And, guess what? I used it today. How about that! Also scrubbed the top of the stove, and really cleaned up the galley. But, there is something dead in the fridge that I have not been able to locate, and it will require a complete emptying of it, and a good scrubbing with a clorox solution, and that could take me hours.
Tonight, I am off to Ric's for some good internet to get this posted, and then Lobster Thermidor at Pineapple Pete's with the girls from last night. What a wonderful life I have now.
I am blessed.
Oh heavens!!! Really?? And, I'll quote here: passive aggressive - 'the classic description of the behavior captures a stubborn malcontent, someone who passively resists fulfilling routine tasks, complains of being misunderstood and underappreciated, unreasonably scorns authority and voices exaggerated complaints of personal misfortune.' Of Paul?...hmmmmmm...of me?? Don't think it fits! Honestly, though...I know Paul will so enjoy having you you two have so much in both seem to be stubborn, malcontent,resist routine tasks (is the steering done yet?), scorn authority and voice exaggerated complaints??? Ha ha ha!!! Love to you!! (And, yes, Paul approves of this message!!)