Around me, changing daily, are a breadth of boats - big ones, sailboats, yachts, catamarans. (Yesterday there was a very large cat next to me with a 2nd floor - a flying bridge with a large sitting area.) And the yachts come and go and are sort of a dime a dozen really. It is difficult to judge size from a distance, as these boats are so perfect proportionately, that until you see a human walking about, you cannot appreciate the size of some. As you see below, the marina on the Dutch side is filled with big and small yachts.

This one, below,is for Bart. It anchored late this morning behind me. Bart would be impressed with the crane the captain used to unload the TWO tenders. Was very 'industrial' looking.

So, with so many around, I don't even bother to look anymore ( Someday, I figure Britney Speers will come by, and find ME!) but every now and then one catches my eye. Below is the Princess Marianna, and is the 33rd largest in the world - built for a Mexican billionaire. When I see the resident helicopter, I know she must be a big one. The garage door on the port held about 8 jet skis that I could count, and the starboard side has the same door, but it opens up to a wonderful deck with beautiful patio furniture, and looks larger than my whole boat. From the internet, I learned that the spot to house the tender will flood to become a swimming pool. She is 258 ft long, and will serve 12 with a crew of 26, I think. There have been a LOT of private jets taking off here lately - maybe 2 or 3 dozen - Gulfstreams, Citations, I think Falcons, and I even saw a Lear, I think. I guess the 'season' has begun for the wealthy.

It is 84 degrees in the salon as I write this, and we have had 3 or 4 days of beautiful weather, although there has been a line of storms pass each night for the last two evenings, and each had the tornados that I pictured in last post. The wind has picked up and the swell as well, so the boat can be a bit 'roll-ey'. Still, better than what I read about back home. Today, I decided to give a try at laundry in the bathtub, and since the water was dirty afterwards, I presume it was a success, although I suspect that I will smell a bit like Clorox a few times, as the rinse cycle was a bit short. Below is my first attempt to hang and dry clothes outside. I wonder, in this wind, if they will be dry before or after they get blown into the bay. I have used 3 pins per piece but it looks like the whole thing could blow away before dry.

Two days ago, I had no propane, and when I looked, the wire on the safety solenoid had parted from corrosion and the solenoid itself is a pile of rust. So a nice ride to the Dutch side to Island Marine - a store I love for some reason - to find a new solenoid. Also looked at new spreader lights, and a regulator for SCUBA.
I picked up the stainless steel fabricator on the return, and we agreed to a plan for improving my davits and adding the post for the AirX wind generator. It means that I must remove the davits and take them in to him for modification, but will save me a bunch of $$. Today, I will dink in to get the news from the hydraulic mechanic, and hope to take Bernard with me as a translator. Yesterday, the Marigot Bay Fee Police found me and now I must go ashore and pay them their fee for anchorage here.
My keyboard has returned to the boat with Bernard's return home, and last night I enjoyed several hours of playing, trying to learn some new, 'old' songs. Ingie's husband, Tom, loaned me some CD's to burn, and 2 were Linda Ronstadt singing very old standards - almost 'torch songs' and I have really enjoyed listening to the set. There are several that I would like to learn on the piano, but my skills are very rusty, and the boat has been rolling, so I must play, and sit still, and make sure the keyboard doesn't end in my lap, or worse, the floor.
So, now I dink into the mechanic's and then will go in pay my tax to Marigot.
It is a great day.
Hi again Dennis, just checking in, did you get the 15hp fixed yet?? figure it out?