The Listing Photo

The Listing Photo

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Comment Moderation

In reference to the comment submitted at the bottom of the previous post - It should be said that there are wholesome, good people who check in and read this blog from time to time. Wholesome folks, who disdain coarse and vulgar things. And, in our culture of 'anything goes,' would turn away and reject the language of the gutter. Having said that, I will say that someone on an Amel thinks he is funny. Clever as I am, I immediately saw that he disguised his true identity, hiding, as it were behind the skirts of a female. Has to be a 'him' because the 'her' is the daughter of a Presbyterian minister, and would never use such course language. A hoe is a garden implement. Not sure where the slang came from either. But since he is a grumpy old prick, and he let's me say that, I will provide his vulgar comment space here - just this once.

The multiple postings (now deleted) are the direct result of this publisher clicking on "Publish Post" many, many times, in frustration; angry at the French internet, which moves it's electrons with steam power, I think. Fired by a coal boiler. I STILL have not been able to upload the pictures, or perhaps, had I waited one more second, the upload would have been complete, but I stopped it, after only 20 minutes. Quite frustrating.

I have met the lady who seeks passage to Panama, and she is real delight - a free spirit - full of cheer and smiles - and from her current captain, I learned she brings much skill and enthusiasm to the boat, and he gives her the highest recommendation. We talked a long time last night, consuming many glasses of wine. We think we will try one day of working together here on AF, and see how it goes.

So, I am off to buy my new pump, and pay for the riggers' visit, and perhaps a stop at a decent wifi location to upload some pictures. It is another beautiful day and I am sorry that I must work. Would love to play a bit.

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