Today, the riggers came to put new pad or wedges in the “partners”, which is where the main mast enters the roof of the cabin (It goes down thru the sole (floor) and rests on the keel.) They also brought new water proofing and wrapped it when they were done. Will dink over to pay that bill when I pick up the pump in the morning.
Have been enjoying too much alcohol the last few days. Got a bit of a blow the other day, although was not un-expected, it still hurt me, and will take some time to accept.
I had another solo sailor stop by yesterday - from Cleveland, Ohio - and he told me about a cruiser’s bar at a marina where they have crew quarters for out of work crew to use. Says there is a woman there who is looking to crew to Panama, so I dinked over and left my name and email for her. Have never considered bringing a stranger aboard, but will explore what this woman is looking for and what she wants and expects. From this point, westward, there should not be the weather I risked in my trip south, so I don’t really expect to put any one else at risk.
Started taking the davits off today, and immediately ran into troubles. The cable for the Furuno GPS antenna does not come un-plugged but is hard wired into the antenna and run as one piece to the GPS. Will have to cut and splice it if there is no break close by. Otherwise, after the Windbugger is removed, it should be straightforward removal. I want to look at solar panel mount kit at Island Water World, before I take it to the SS fab guy.
A French boat had their dinghy stolen the other night. It was tied up at a very public place, with lots of boats coming by all of the time, but it was locked with old SS life lines, like I do, and the thieves cut right through it. So, I will have to start using my chain, and perhaps but a length of SS chain - is harder to cut - with 2 good SS padlocks of some sort. These French folks were about to depart St Martin, and now must figure out how to buy a new dink and engine.
Had pizza last night with Bernard, just the 2 of us, and it was a good evening talking with him. We are going to share some music - he loves Hoegy Carmichael - the writer of Stardust, amongst many others. But too many glasses of wine. Marc, the French fellow from dinghy troubles last week, stopped by and we split a bottle of rose, with some cheese and baguette, and I had already had 3 beers at the marina. And finished drinking more with Bernard with the pizza.
The weather here has been beautiful, and the water has cleared considerably, so that I can see the bottom - 15 ft below, when the sun is right. Still not the crystal clear that you dream of, though. Caught another glimpse of a sea turtle about 40 yards away, when he came up for air a couple times. And, throwing old bread into the water, to try to feed the little fish - they dart for it but don’t seem to eat it - I can see it sinking for a long long way down.
Found out the other day that the rocky hill top where I saw the goats is called Witch’s Tit, and is a commonly used landmark. Below, I came across this construction site, with 2 long armed track hoes. The barge in the forward picture is a dredger with a long hose floating out to suck up sand from the bottom. But what really got my attention was the Bell Jet Ranger sitting over in the front left corner. You never know what you might see here. At first, it looked to me to burned out, but looking more carefully, I think the back seats are removed and the black is just the old paint job. So, for Bart, some stuff you like:

Witch's Tit....comonly used by who????? Hoes.....have you been to that bar on the Dutch Side.....or do You NEED to go???? Do we need to know why you posted this 5 times...???You have SINGLEhanded too long!!!!!Try 2 hands