Monday, April 26, 2010
As I rode back from the airport on the dink, I felt alone. Maybe even lonely. Claire and I had supper together this evening, to console each other, as her mom and dad departed on the same plane as Bernard. But, it is not enough. Time to move on, I think. But, must continue with the legal problems, and have the trip to France coming in just a couple weeks. And then, I must go. Time to find a new group of friends.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tick off number 9

Unfortunately, I had to steer by hand to port, and steer by auto pilot to starboard to get in. And in 22 knot winds! Was a bit hairy for me, and even though I deserved a nice cocktail or 2 to celebrate, I don't drink much when alone here, so will have one with Bernard and Claire tomorrow, perhaps.
Will post a couple pictures of where I am exactly, but if you use Google Earth, you can put in the Lat and Lon - 18 - 03.07N 63 - 05.97W.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
How to choose a good anchorage.
Had another nice long email today from old neighbor and lifelong friend, Rosemary, whose family were our next door neighbors when Mom and Dad moved to Rosslyn Farms. She had just caught up on the blog, and agreed that I was whining too much. You might remember that she wrote me several months ago, complaining about this blog's title. This time she agreed that I WAS doing a bit too much whining!

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Whah. Whah. Whah.

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Dontcha just hate a cold
To add to it, this anchorage is murder lately, and last night there were 25-28knot winds out of the east and 3 foot seas out of the north, which hammered the port side regularly, knocking the boat hard. I set the anchor alarm. Woke up a dozen times because of the loud pounding, and a couple rain squalls.
Good news. Although my internet does not do well in high winds for some reason, I was able to read an email from the assistant to the Pittsburgh attorney, who writes with apology, that he will be getting onto my case in a couple of days. He apologizes for not having written sooner, and after a couple more tax returns, will dig into the materials he has and see where we stand.
Gotta go. Atchoooo!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I Dotta Really Bad Told
I am pondering a new hair cut, or other options. Have decided that I cannot continue to pay for haircuts in the long run, so I am considering my options. I bought an electric razor thing, and could give myself a buzz cut, but will look fatter, and round faced if I do that. It is a very common choice of cruisers - both men and women, who all look a bit like concentration camp prisoners, except for tans and smiles, of course. I could pay for another hair cut. I could let it grow out into a pony tail. A 4th option came up the other day at lunch with Claire, as the waitress offered to give me free dred locks. Kinda like that idea, but will have to forstall a decision for now, as the hair is not long enough yet to do that. Also, I still hope to visit France and I think it would be better for me to look more traditional, so will probably opt this time for another $20 haircut.
Looking in the mirror yesterday, after my shower, and trying to figure out how to make this long, straggly mess look better, I noticed something. It seems like just a couple years ago when friend Bart accused me of dying white wings into my hair, which was false, of course. But he was right - I had 2 very distinct and balanced white wings - sort of like Pauly had on the Sopranos, but not so long and obvious. Yesterday I noticed that they have gone almost and have blended into the rest of my hair, as it all has turn grey, and now my whole head matches. I am mostly grey now, I think, as well as having a lot of scalp showing through. I am getting old.
Have just Googled the French words for decongestant and antihistimine, and will dink in to the store to look for some remedy for this cold, as I feel like - well you know how I feel. It's no fun being sick.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
More Happy Easter!
There is no word, at this time, from the Pittsburgh attorney whom I hired to work on the tax situation. Several weeks ago, he wrote that his assistant's father had passed away, and that it would be put on the back burner for a while, but enough time has passed that he should be able to determine if he has everything to clean up this mess. I feel unable to plan a departure date from here until I know that either it is solved or on its way to be solved. While I wait, I am paying for very good, but still unreliable, internet access here, as well as maintaining a cell phone, which, by the way, costs the same as I paid for my first in 1986 - 25 cents per minute. My first cell, which had a big box screwed under my van's seat, and a hand set fixed to the dashboard, cost me $100 for 400 minutes each month, and as I recall, would not switch me to the next cell as I drove, but would just drop the call.
I have offered some help in the last month or so to my friend Claire, who found a boat to buy - the Marin Gouin - which I think means the mosquito sailor, but don't quote me on that. Apparently, if you mis-pronounce it in French, it means, Sailing Lesbian. She and Bernard and others have had a lot of fun listening to my terrible French, and this has been one source of laughter for them. The boat, a 30 year old CSY 37 was on the hard in Marigot, but was flagged as a Nederlands Antilles boat, and being sold by French Canadians. So the paper process was a bit complicated, and she asked me once to drive to Phillipsburg to inquire, in English, exactly how the paper process would work, and what was required. After she bought the boat, we were required to take the boat to Phillipsburg, about a 2 hour ride, by motor, for a government inspector to see the boat and the safety equipment.

Recently, running the generator, I noticed, for the millionth time perhaps, that the cooling water intake was clogged and the generator was about to over heat. Donning mask and snorkel, I dove on the intake and I was able to remove the trash that had been sucked up into the through-hull opening. It was a rather small piece of plastic. This is the kind of trash that really makes life miserable sometimes, although, sometimes it is only seaweed or grass.My good Buddy, Graham, the Aussie, with mate (POM, Dave) returned for a few days to St Martin, before he completes his job on the catamaran he has captained. He takes it next to Grenada, and then flies to London, and then on to Thailand to pick up a different boat. (What a life, huh?) With his return, came several nights of partying. Last week, Claire joined us and we all had a ball, starting out at Toppers for karaoke, and then sneaking up to see my friend Sam, who is now bartending at a topless bar. Claire agreed to go, for the fun, and she and I entered first, and after waiting a bit, Graham came in for the real surprise for Sammy. She took good care of us with the drinks and we misbehaved properly. I am not sure the time when Claire and I returned to Marigot in the dink, but it was pretty late.
Patrons are not permitted to take photos at the topless bar, but I snapped a couple, just of my friends, not the 'ladies', before being told, by Sam, that it was not allowed. Above is Graham, and below, they try to pose for me whilst I try to hide the camera.
We all had a great dinner the other night with Ellison, and his new girlfriend, Lisa, who is crew on a big yacht. They are both so nice, and would do anything for me, I think. They have asked me if I would like to baby sit their dogs for a week while they visit another island, and stay at their apartment, with use of Ellison's Range Rover. I am not sure if time will allow, but it is something that I am considering. We shall see......Yesterday, Claire, and Bernard and I met a couple who just arrived from South America. I visited them today on their boat for a couple of minutes. They are real cruisers, with no refridgeration, or auto pilot, living on a rather small boat. He is from Brazil, and she, perhaps from Venzuela, and a veterinarian, with both French, English, Portugese and Spanish, and is a wonderful interpreter. They have very little money, living on a real shoestring, and are very appreciative of any kindness. Thinking of inviting them out for spaghettie dinner soon. We shall see.
So, that is some of what has been taking up my time here in St Martin. More later......
Happy Easter!
One of the things that consumed my days, when I had internet, was working on a new Facebook account. I am not certain that I like Facebook. It seems to be a lot of work, and I am not one to just put something about my day up on the "Wall" as some do. But, I will continue to use it and decide if it is worth the work. I have enjoyed reconnecting with some friends - some very, very old, like Doug Schutte, with whom I went through much of grade school. Davina has a page and I find that we communicate more using Facebook, with a quick couple of lines, instead of a long and detailed email. She is in Panama and flying to the DR to get on another boat. Even Aussie buddy Graham has a page. He departs SXM today, and will leave the boat in Granada, and fly to London, and then Thailand.
My brother has scanned and posted almost 200 photos of growing up in Rosslyn Farms, as well as his home and family, hunting, and flying photos. It was a pleasure to go through his album. (Search Foster Doak for his Facebook account.)
Several good things to note here. First of all - Happy Easter. It is the day to celebrate the whole foundation of our faith, but, as with Christmas, many forget why we get the day off from work, eh?
My ribcage problem seems to be getting better, slowly, although when I overdo it here, I feel it that night and the next day. Ibuprofen is doing a fine job managing the trouble.
And most important, I hired a 3rd fellow to finish my steering work, and as of this moment, I steer, although, there is still a lot of air in the lines, to be bled. And, unfortunately, there could be a bigger trouble with the hydraulic ram, which may require rebuilding or even the purchase of a new part. Will know more tomorrow, I think. The important thing is that the lines are in place and connected - one fitting has a small leak and requires a good tightening, but when I turn the wheel, the rudder turns the correct direction for the first time in over 3 months.
Many more things to post, but will stop here with this good news. I did want to wish everyone a Happy Easter, and touch the high spots in my life, although there are many more things to write about here.