I have a good cruiser buddy here, named Christine. She is about 32 years old, a California girl, bartends at Lagoonie's, and pretty much is 'up' all of the time, although she and her ex-boyfriend are still sharing their boat, GypsyCat - a situation that can be very stressful, to say the least. Somehow they manage to stay friends, and I must say, I have never heard her say anything negative about him. Sadly they have decided that they must sell the boat, as neither can afford to keep it alone.
Christine took me and 2 other guys out to Ladies' Night at the big nightclubs some months ago. She is always trying to come up with something that will promote Lagoonies, and has had some very clever ideas. She always has some news about where the best deals in town are. (The latest - the cheapest water is at Cadisco on the French side of the island.) We recently became 'friends' on Facebook, where I found this wonderful photo of her, taken by her ex-boyfriend and cruising mate, Chris. I asked him if I could have a copy of the photo and he was kind enough to send me one in an email. It turns out that the manufacturer of her catamaran saw it and used it for several months in their print ads.
I find it absolutely beautiful and inspirational, and hope that there will be a woman I love, and a private anchorage like the one shown here in my future. I epitomizes why I left the US on a boat, and what I am seeking - freedom!
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