So, I said I would post a couple pics here today, and even with overcast skies and this wind, it is pretty nice here. I have not left AF since this blow started, although earlier today, I decided to take the risk and leave while it was more calm, but winds are back up and I will sit still and tend anchor watch instead. I am learning this stuff slowly, or rather, getting USED to this stuff slowly, and don't know yet what to feel confident about and what to worry about. But surely do not want to come back out in the dink, to find my home and all my possessions run aground and pounding on some rocks down wind, so caution is my prime thought these days.
Below is a home in the anchorage area here, and their front yard is where AF would be found most likely if she dragged anchor.

And looking this direction, you can see where I would LIKE to be anchored on the right, and the little town is in the left half. Govt House and a couple restaurants, grocery, and Bermuda Dinghy Club with restaurant and laundry. They are cleaning up the square, have built a little platform, and are painting the main buildings for the queen's visit in a week or so. Guess that will be my Thanksgiving.

Below is a pic of my anchor set up. The line on the right, going over the bow, is the snubber and it should be way out there down taht anchor chain instead of knotted so close to the boat. Note the other chain, on the port, left side, awaiting, should I start to drag. I will drop it and let out line as fast as possible, and do the snubber knot correctly.

And, for Erik, a pic of the jib situation. I wound it up too tight when I started moving the other day in that ordeal, and now there isn't enough line on the spool to reel it all the way in, so I have this bit of sail out there helping me swing back and forth in the wind. I can fix it, but choose to wait until the winds and waves are more calm, unless it becomes a real problem.

Today, I cleaned up the aft cabin, (I think I will have to move the folding bike onto deck in the future. It is strapped well to the aft ladder, but really gets in the way all the time.) and removed a fitting to take to shore when I can, as well as writing a list of parts needed. I let the wind generator spin and looked at its wiring, and think that possibly the blocking diode is blown, letting current flow backwards, shutting the genny down even when it is blowing 25 knots. Next, I am going to tackle re-stowing the forward head, which is piled to my shoulders with stuff. I need to find the flaring tool and some others at the same time.
Wondering what to make with these old bananas. Probably banana nut cake or muffins, but who knows? Banana pudding sounds good, if I can find one of Mom's pudding mixes.
Getting by just fine. Had a great, and helpful email from a fellow I met back in Baltimore, who drives a schooner boat with a big pointy piece of log sticking out the front. Thanks Mike. It was a big pick me up. And I talked with Paul a bit this morning for some advice on getting the jib down and folded when this blow stops, so I can take it ashore to the sail loft.
Winds are starting to gust, and knock me around a bit, so time to go forward again and check things out.
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