Woke this morning, several times, and rolled back over each time, feeling pretty - sorry Mom - lousy! Right side of head is going to blow up from the sinus pressure, ear is aching just a bit, neck is aching on the right, and I feel terrible. No energy to move. Think I have a cold. Could just be the long dink ride late last night, holding my head in one position to see and steer, but I will know more as the rainy cool day progresses. Finally made my coffee about 11am. Can hardly taste it.
After all the running yesterday, and work on the steering, I finally dinked over to the Barmuda Dinghy Club last night in the dark to do 3 loads of laundry. (There were 2 fellows about 50 yards from me, all day, on an old boat, anchored and fishing. Waved when I went by, etc. But I became hesitant to depart after dark, until they had left, since no one could see them, had they decided to come over and rob AF, after I left. It would have been a crime of opportunity for them, I am sure, but I still was hesitant. Paranoia, perhaps, but extra cautious about so many new things.) The laundry was quite a load to haul, with soap and all. Would like to go into town and use the launderette the locals use, just for the socialization once. It is supposed to be quite a party there everyday. But, I could have internet, and a beer at the Club while things washed, and there has never been anyone else there, to hog the equipment. I took the Acer Aspire I bought just before departure along in the water proof bag Bart and I found at his harbor Freight, to try it on the wifi at the restaurant. Here is a picture of it on top of my regular laptop. Much smaller, easier to carry ashore, pink so I can find it, (I have stopped buying things that are black, distinguished, and manly, because I cannot find them in the shadows anymore), but the keyboard is what you would expect, and I am not sure my chubby little fingers are going to be happy. And, of course, my reading glasses are requisite to read the screen.

When I first went down to the club in the afternoon, Roger (possibly short for Raj) was working and told me Ahmed the owner of the restaurant was under the weather. When I returned last night, Ahmed was there, showing his injury so I had Roger snap a pic or 2 of us. He got his hand caught in a line while docking a 30 foot sailboat last week, and ended up with 30 stitches from the damage done to his hand. Ouch!

He was very nice to me when I was there before, and serves nice food. I really like the pumpkin soup, if it is made. He is a Muslim, married to a Christian woman, the last time I was there, he was cooking for a banquet at his wife's church. Blew up part of another pic for the latest of me. Happy, fat, and needing a shave. Was cool on the dink ride in and out, but moon is beautiful rising here each night the last couple nights and the dink ride in last night was well lighted under an almost full moon.

Bermuda Radio has started to broadcast a pan pan about a boat, giving last known position, with a person injured aboard. No details, but I guess they are hoping a larger vessel will come and take the person off. It does not specify if the person is alone, but probably not.
I downloaded the latest GRIB file for 7 days for my path when I leave. It does not look very good, with a BIG bunch of stuff coming out late next week, and it looks like it will be plenty south of here, in my path. Bart wrote yesterday that he was having bad weather in NC so maybe this is his storm coming offshore. I only download an area from north of Norfolk, east, past Bermuda, and then south to St Maarten.
I had planned to try to finish the steering today, and maybe change oil in the 2 engines, definitely the Perkins, and then take the dink out for a ride for some pictures of stuff I pass every day here, to post. But, instead, I believe I will find some aspirin, and open a book, and try to sleep this mess off.
Hi Dennis,
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