The dust is settling after Rosemary's visit, and I am trying to get back into my regular lackluster and boring lifestyle. Have a few repairs to make as well as trying to find some freon for the fridge system, which leaked right after MY installation (What can I say.....?) and the tech who came out had the wrong adaptor and could only fill it about half way.
Was having a rum and coke the other afternoon with Will and a young fellow we had met staying here, and met the new sales manager for the resort. Trust me when I say that when she arrived, ALL the men noticed her. A beautiful, young Mexican lady named Patty. We had such a good time talking that I invited her over to the boat for another drink, and see AF. Re-bumped into Matt and invited him, as well, and we had so much fun, I started cooking and served them a rather poorly prepared curry rice and lobster tails. (Just have to get this fridge working! and then, could do so much better in the cooking department.)
Matt is from Lousiana and a lot of fun and has a great job. He travels the world for a Dutch company for whom he makes precise measurements - lining up propeller shafts on large ships, leveling large crane installations, and here in Roatan, is going to re-level one of the power company's diesel generators, after an earthquake 2 years ago, cracked the foundations. It is his 3rd time on the island, doing the same thing on other generators. He uses lasers to do his work, and has an engineering degree from a university in Lousiana.
Patty comes from a very large resort company in Cancun and was lured away by the owner here to get things back on track for Fantasy Island. She is beautiful, articulate - speaks English, Espanol, and French - and was a lot of fun to have for a visit. Not sure how the boss will take it if she spends too much time here on AF, but has offered to give me some Spanish lessons. We shall see if that happens.......but I really need them.

Erik celebrates a birthday here, and I will have to find a way to bake a cake and surprise him with it in the dining room one evening. Might buy one instead - they had a great red velvet cake at the store a few months ago.
I know they want to snorkel, do the zip line, and I am sure we will dink over to the iquana farm one afternoon. It is a great place to buy souvenirs, I learned when Rosemary was here. Nice Roatan T-shirts for only $8 - hardly the normal tourist price.
So that is life for the past couple days. I have just received a long and newsy email from my Aussie mate, Graham, who is in Phuket, Thailand again, and happy with a new love - 40 year old woman who hand washes his clothes (because the machines are too hard on them) and cooks and cleans with devotion. He is happy, and I am happy for him.
So that is it for now - will post some pics when Denise and Erik arrive.
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