It's hard to take great pictures with my camera - or is it the operator? - but here are two I snapped one evening recently, after hanging Christmas lights on AF.

I am in a prominent position for visitors coming across the bridge here at Fantasy Island, and so, thought I would dress her up a bit. (Truthfully, I don't think anyone really appreciates it, but is my small contribution to the Christmas spirit here, anyway.)

So, to all my friends and family back home - Merry Christmas from Isla Roatan, Honduras! Much love to all, and don't forget the reason for the season. I am blessed, and try to remind myself every day - failing sometimes, of course.
I am positive it matters to those who miss the Christmas lights of home. What a welcome sight to their eyes. At least, I know that's how I'd feel if it were me crossing the bridge and seeing AF in her Christmas attire. ;-)