Today we had Edgar, Dennis' taxi cab driver, pick us up around 9:30a. We stopped at the Deck Cafe for breakfast. Gary, the owner and chef, was also just arriving, but made both of us the menu item of our choice licketty split. It was very fresh and good. On to Anthony's Key Resort.
There is a dolphin study happening in conjunction with this particular resort. We were only able to do the "encounter", but as you can see Dennis couldn't wipe the smile off his face once again! From ziplines to dolphins. In water to our waist, the trainer lined us up shoulder to shoulder so he could have our dolphin, Ken, swim right past our group to show us his ear and pet him and again just to give Ken the petting/secondary reinforcement for training. Dolphins are very tactial animals. The trainer told us different things about dolphins, the institute and had Ken do different tricks for us. Then we were positioned with Ken for kisses and hugs that you see in the pictures. It was amazing the speed at which Ken could swim, turn and stop on a dime! There were three "boys at the beach" doing the encounter and up to 14 other dolphins in the same huge lagoon pen being entertained by their trainers. Our trainer commented that the other trainers had a more difficult job because most of the dolphins like doing the people encounters for the attention. However none of the other dolphins tried to come over and steal the show. Ken's skin felt very rubbery and smooth. Here was a "teenager" at only 7 ft and 350 pounds and was a very docile diplomat. The "dolphin encounter" was really cool!
After saying good-bye to Ken, we headed down to West End which is a more dangerous tourist area. The main road is dirt and barely two vehicles can pass each other in the street. It is on the ocean side of the island so the surf and wind were a lot stronger there. Edgar, our taxi chauffer, drove down the main street, turned around and took us to West Bay. This is the nicest beach on the island and has the big resorts stacked side by side with each of their beach lounges in front. Dennis took me to the Mayan Princess for lunch.
Much to Dennis' disgust, Edgar ALWAYS takes the scenic (read LONG) way back from West Bay. It was a nice drive along the shoreline, but did add 30 minutes maybe to the ride. Remember that Edgar is a taxi driver --- more time more money.
We didn't get back until 5:30p and Dennis looked like he was going to fall asleep walking. I went to the hotel room that is reserved for "cruisers" to take a long hot shower and it was available! OOOOOO wa la! After my soak, I stopped over where the majority of the cruisers are docked and said good-bye to Ann and Jerry. Jerry is the Dock Master. He organizes the cruisers as they come and go and while they are here.
I reunited with Dennis, Skip and Will at the bar of the resort. A diving couple who joined our group last night joined our foursome again. I'm telling you all that Dennis and Skip are like a comedy duo and Mark and Halley just ate it up. Dennis had obviously found his second wind and the six of us closed down the bar at 10:30p.
The cruisers are a very eclectic group with many different stories, personalities that share love of cruising. It amazes me how many people truly live their dream of sailing wherever the wind takes them. The majority of these people are like Dennis in that they left nothing behind. Left careers of being teachers, lawyers, vascular surgeons....and to think I know people who wont even retire for 'fear' of what to do next. A very dynamic group, who welcomed me at their Saturday potluck, sang happy birthday to me and have all been pleasant throughout the week. Genuine folk.
I fly home tomorrow so let me tell y'all that even with the swollen eyes and gazillions of itchy bug bites, it has been a great, fast week. If any of you have said, "some day I'll come visit you Dennis", don't let the opportunity pass by. You will enjoy the VERY relaxed pace, the cruisers you meet, the local sites and opportunities and be glad you came. Dennis' niece, Denise, and her husband are coming within weeks of my leaving. Their trip will fly by and I'm sure they will have a BLAST. I hope you have been able to follow my ramblings this past week and since it is now December I can wish you all a very Blessed Christmas.
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