Checking email when I returned to AF, I found one from Erik, with pictures of our snorkelling on Thursday. Erik and Denise spent some $$ to buy an underwater disposable camera. The weather was so variable while they were here that when Erik and I went out Thursday, he used up all the film, when it turned out the water was crystal clear on Friday. So we never got pics of the "Denise Fish" as he called her. So here are 4 that he sent me from the roll.
On Friday, we saw 2 squid, which was pretty cool. My buddy Skip was throwing dishwater over board this morning from his boat, and scared a squid hanging out on his anchor line. It inked and swam away, but later, we saw it had returned.
I have decorated the boat with lights and will try to get a picture to post here. Christmas comes and the cruisers are already planning a dinner for Christmas day. I have volunteered to play Christmas carols on the piano - my keyboard - while they eat so have been practicing for a week. These old fingers just don't work so well anymore.
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