As you can see by the first picture, this is a very fast-paced life. Since the lobsters escaped the clutches of the Great Hunters, Skip came over with the suggestion that we go buy lobsters in Coxen Hole. Dennis was waiting for the refrigerator repair man to come, so Skip and I went shopping. Dennis knows an English speaking taxi driver named Edgar, who was our guide. Coxen Hole is the Capital of Roatan Island and Edgar is very proud of it. Edgar actually named and described each "town" on our way to Coxen Hole.
We stopped at the Deck Cafe for a beer where Skip and I also shot a game of pool. Neither of us have played in a coon's age so the game took a while. Skip finally won. :-) In Coxen Hole we first went where Skip wanted to buy lobster, then we went to a man Edgar knew and got a better deal. After another stop for a bathroom and a beer, we made some other stops and headed back to Annah Foster. This took us about three hours since Edgar wasn't in any hurry what so ever.
While we were shopping Dennis had to work on the refrigeration unit. I don't believe they got it completely working yet, but Dennis was able to put the extra lobster tails in the ice maker. This evening, Chef Dennis made another fantastic dinner with lobster and curry rice. Skip is going to make a lobster soup for another dinner.
After dinner the music began. My friends Harry C, Harry V, Nicole V and Eric W would have enjoyed this emmensely. Dennis has an electric keyboard and is an accomplished pianist. Dennis has a lot of music to play and does it well. Skip has a guitar and a saxaphone that he plays. Even though they did do a bit of music together, Dennis plays with music and embellishes once he is comfortable with the song and Skip just "jams" on either the sax or guitar. One of the security gaurds came over at one point and sat and listened from the dock. A relaxing evening watching two friends enjoy music together.
Friday, Dennis and I are going snorkeling with the dolphins. He has called Edgar to be our chauffer for the afternoon/day. We will see what today holds for us. Dennis is already starting to tease me about having to go back to my life as we are floating along from day to day without anything pressing. Heck I haven't even read the internet news. I'm completely out of touch -- okay so I'm usually out of touch, but it is relaxing down here in the islands.
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