After tossing and turning all night, and finally giving up on sleeping, I got up at 430 this morning, I had at least mentally written a shopping list for Denise and Erik's visit. After my coffee, I took a taxi to the market and bought some small things to have around while they are here. Denise, my niece, and her husband Erik are arriving today, after a day's travel yesterday from the States to the mainland where they spent the night in a hotel. Then, up very early for the 2 hour+ bus ride to the coast and the 2 hour ferry ride to Roatan.
I took a taxi to the ferry terminal at 1030, and just as I walked down the drive, someone blew a horn, notifying the taxi drivers that it was time. They all jumped into their taxis and headed for the terminal. The ferry has arrived.
A short wait and soon I saw the silhouette of a couple through the ferry window and one waved. Seconds later, Denise and Erik emerged, smiling and waving.

I raised the camera over the glass enclosure and snapped this just as Denise walked by, with Erik trailing just behind, in the white shirt and backpack on.

A brief wait for luggage, short taxi ride to Fantasy Island, check in at the front desk, and we headed to Annah Foster for a Bloody Mary, and then lunch. This was a quick shot taken from the balcony of their room.

We decided over lunch to take the zip line tour but the sun came out and it warmed up, so instead we changed to swim suits, hopped into the dink, and headed out to snorkel the reef. No pics of that, but we will go back, weather permitting. Zip line will have to wait until tomorrow.
4 o'clock is happy hour for the cruisers and I took them over to meet everyone here on boats. Kind of a high brow group this week, with the 2 MD's, 2 Ph.D's, a couple of engineers, and the rest of us monkeys. Denise always looks good, eh? Or is that Britney Speers???

They borrowed my cell phone to call home and talk to their kids, Anna and Andrew, and to tell Erik's mom and dad, who are sitting with the kids, that they were here and safe. Erik snapped this pic after I handed the phone back to Denise, after talking to Anna about her day at school - what she learned today and the surprise she is making for Mom and Dad for when they get home.

Although Harry, the manager of food services blew the surprise early on, we still managed to get some candles lit on the cake I bought this morning, and sing Happy Birthday to Erik. Then we left the remnants of the red velvet store-bought cake for the restaurant staff to enjoy. So sorry, Erik, but after baking Rosemary's and helping to bake one for Jerry, the dock master yesterday, it was just so much easier (and a better cake, too) to buy you one. Regardless, Happy Birthday! I am so proud of you.

After dinner, we headed to the bar (again) and waited for the Garifuna dancers. I snapped a couple pics of D and E there.

Poor Denise. Stuck with her crazy Uncle Denny, or Oodie, as she calls me - that's U D for those who don't know the family. I have been holding off making this public, to surprise her today -when I was dating Jane, the wonderful Aussie gal, she pearced my ears. I wore extra big earrings today that Rosemary brought me from the States, just to make sure that Denise would notice them. So now, I can unveil Jane's work, and my new look. Shortly after buying Annah Foster, I decided that someday I would pearce one ear for a pirate earring. A few months ago, I met a friend of Skip's from the States with both pearced and liked it, and asked Jane to do the pearcing for me, and to help me buy some rings. Still old, fat and ugly (and is my nose really THAT big??? or is it the this new camera? - thanks also to Rosemary for bringing me the new laptop and camera and earrings!), but now with earrings.

Is 130 in the morning and I have to get to bed. It has started to pour down rain, and it sounds like it is not going to let up anytime soon. I hope tomorrow has some sunshine for the kids' vacation but I cannot control that at all. I hope they get a taste of how I live now - at least here in Roatan, tied to a worn out dock at this beautiful 22 acre resort island.
I will turn over the blog tomorrow to Denise and Erik to post some more pictures of their vacation to keep their friends and family back home updated on this very short vacation in Honduras. I am so glad they're here, and now have my 2nd visitors to see me in this year old new life. Which, by the way, is very good!
What a life. How nice!