I am sitting in the lobby at midnight - the kids long ago gone to bed - downloading as many pictures as I can, of their visit here. It was so nice to see them and I can only hope that they had as much fun as I did. They must get up in time to catch a 530 am bus down to the ferry landing here in Roatan tomorrow morning for their departure. The days flew by faster than when Rosemary was here.
Denise snapped this pic of my backyard sometime during their visit.

The next day, we took a bit of a walk around the island (Fantasy Island, not Roatan) and I always try to take some food along to feed some of the animals. Here they feed the little deer who are sized very much like the key deer on Key West, Florida.
Trying to schedule anything or make a plan was complicated by the weather. A squall blew through later that day, with 20 knot winds left behind with higher gusts. We all got out for a snorkel the first day but the water clarity was very disappointing, and it was something that Erik really wanted to do. I am so sorry.

Thursday we took a dink ride over to the iquana farm, owned by a wonderful man, whose first name is Sherman. He also builds boats and has one of the prettiest - cutest - little island boats I have ever seen. He is such a friendly man, and warm and kind. When the police find an abused wild animal, they will bring it to him and he will cage and feed it and make it part of his park there. He has 2 or 3 thousand iquanas living on his property, but there were few on the ground when we arrived due to the lack of sun. Denise found this one, while up on the deck over the gift shop, sleeping on a tree limb.
Even snapped this pic of her old fat uncle with a couple of the few who came down to eat.
Here are some pics of them on the ground, posing perhaps for the 'touristas'.
His daughter Sylvia had some leaves for the tourists to feed to the guys and Erik posed for his picture feeding them.
And so did Denise.
Then this wonderful man, who had already spent a great deal of time talking to me - we are a year and a day apart in age, and he said that if I came to his birthday fish BBQ, that I would be the guest of honor, since I was the "old man" - offered first to come by the today and take us all of ride in his boat and later offered and took us up to the hill east of here to see the north beach from this beautiful lookout point. I snapped this pic of the kids and Mr. Sherman.
This morning - the last day for the kids - we started off, after breakfast, with the zip line tour. It is not a canopy tour - more a 'ride' and one of my favorite things here. Here are D and E just before walking down to the first platform for the first run.
Erik takes off on a long run - over on the opposite hill, you might make out the patch of bare earth that is the landing zone for that first run.
Denise is almost down on this one - but still waaay out there. The longest is 1800 feet long.
Erik waits to be unhooked after landing on one of the platforms.
Denise is coming in for her landing.
Oops - They even let old fat guys do this.......
Denise over one of the last ones - this one had a mattress roped to the tree in case you came in hot.
She worked up her courage as we came down the mountain. No hands and almost up side down.
Whoa. She IS upside down.
After the zip line Erik and I decided to go out to the reef again in the dink and try the snorkelling while Denise read on the beach. The water had great clarity and we stayed through 2 different rain showers. The coral was full of color when the sun shined and there were tons and tons of tropical fish. We spied 2 squid and saw some again later. That's E waving to me as he swam over top the sunken ship here and I followed along in the dink.
It was so much better than the day before that we went back in and talked Denise into coming out for another try.
We taxied down to the West End for dinner, with my buddy the taxi driver, Edgar - also knicknamed Bin Laden, because he resembles him. E snapped this of us standing in the middle of the street just after a big rain shower.
Erik wanted to snorkel a place he had heard about, and by the time we found exactly where it was, it was too late to go out. But, from the porch of the bar nearby, D snapped this of him standing with the place behind him.
We ended the afternoon with a nice Thai dinner - again, to celebrate Erik's birthday. It was pretty nice of him to use his birthday vacation away from Anna and Andrew to come visit Denise's crazy uncle.
There are a lot more pics and a bit more to say, but I am tired and hope to get up and ride to the ferry terminal with them in the morning to say goodbye. They have a full day of travel tomorrow, starting with the taxi/bus ride to the ferry terminal and the 2 hour ferry ride to La Ceiba, and another 2 hour bus ride to the airport in San Pedro Suela, and then the long air flight back to Washington, arrived a bit after midnight, tomorrow night. So that is a taste of their 2 and a half day visit, to UD's new, temporary home, in Honduras. I had a great time, and hope the trip was worth all of the travel for them. I hope they depart knowing how happy I am, and how much I enjoy this new lifestyle. They are both such great kids. I love them both and I am so proud of them.

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